U.S. News & World Report created a list of the 125 Best Places to Live in the USA and Austin, Texas is number one on the list! See if your city made the cut!
Author: Buzz60
One of Stephen Hawking’s theories about black holes may have just been proven wrong
Stephen Hawking theorized that the invisible substance known as dark matter is actually made up of primordial black holes.
This grandma’s photo of space is so cool NASA featured it on its website
A 60-year-old grandma and amateur astronomer took an image of the night sky that was so cool, NASA featured it on their site.
Watch these adorable baby porcupine twins live their best lives
Staff at a wildlife park got an adorable surprise when they discovered twin porcupines were recently born.
27 years later, woman wakes up from comatose state
A woman in the United Arab Emirates has woken up after 27 years of being in a comatose state. Veuer’s Sam Berman has the full story.
5 exercises if you want to get in shape fast
If you want to get in shape fast, try following these 5 exercises. Buzz60’s Sean Dowling has more.
There’s a strange glowing ring around our galaxy’s black hole
Sagittarius A* is fairly dormant, but something hot and glowing is surrounding it that has scientists scratching their heads.
Sam’s Club selling 6-pound brownie tray for a party (or one very hungry dessert lover)
It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t love brownies, but do you love them enough to buy six pounds of them? Buzz60’s Josh King has more.
You’ll probably be attending a wedding on one of these popular dates
Wedding season is upon us, and managing a busy social calendar gets kind of complicated. Mainly because there are certain popular wedding dates in June, September and October that everyone wants to get married on. Susana Victoria Perez has more.
This is when kids should start footing the bill on family vacations
The time for child’s play is over once the bill comes. Buzz60’s Sean Dowling has more.