Seven words spoken from a mystery nurse turned into this cancer survivor’s life mantra. Now, the two are meeting for the first time.
Author: Humankind, USA TODAY
An iPad and a really long plane ride pulled off this proposal
Admelyz Bueno was handed an iPad and told to watch a video. She had no idea that by the end of it, she’d find out her boyfriend traveled more than 5,000 miles to ask her a very important question.
Bus driver helps mom, kids cross busy street
When bus driver Mike pulled over to help a mother cross a busy road, he never expected cameras to be rolling.
Wedding gift brings tears to everyone in courtroom
Dean and Monica Berckenhoff were stunned on their wedding day when the man who received their son’s heart walked in during their ceremony.
Wedding gift brings tears to everyone in courtroom
Dean and Monica Berckenhoff were stunned on their wedding day when the man who received their son’s heart walked in during their ceremony.
Farmer builds road by himself
A farmer in a small, rural village two hours outside of Nairobi, Kenya built a dirt road up a steep hill so his neighbors would have an easier route to get to school and church.
Boyfriend flies to surprise prom date
The most perfect reaction to someone flying 4,500 miles just to surprise you at prom.
Donor had no idea she was helping her cousin
Laura wondered for nearly 50 years about her biological family. She never thought donating her stem cells would give her the answers she’s always been looking for.
Whole school cheers on classmate before heart surgery
Not many people can say they had a parade thrown just for them!
Kids’ huddle turns into group hug during game
This basketball team of 5-year-olds turned a team huddle into a team cuddle in the middle of a game, and it’s just too cute.