Canadians who had credit cards with Chase Bank could breathe a sigh of relief Thursday when the company said it would “forgive” all outstanding debt.
Author: Ryan W. Miller, USA TODAY
White supremacist gang leader who escaped from Arkansas jail has been captured
The inmates, Wesley Gullett andChristopher Sanderson, faced federal charges and were considered armed and dangerous, federal authorities said.
3 startling takeaways from the New York Times’ report on Jeffrey Epstein, DNA obsession
A New York Times report Wednesday detailed disgraced financier JeffreyEpstein’s “fascination” with DNA, genetic engineering and modern-day eugenics
Heart-racing video shows toddler plummet 6 stories, bystanders catch him with blanket
The scene unfolded Monday inChina’s Chongqing Municipality and was captured in in gut-wrenching video published by state media CCTV.
Texas man checks missile launcher in luggage, still caught his flight, TSA says
A Texas man was stopped at BWI Airport onMonday when TSA agents found a missile launcher in hischecked luggage, authorities said.
Mob of teens surrounds police station, tries to break out their drunken friend
The incident occurred Thursday night in the town of Starnberg after a boy was denied entry to a high school graduation party.
GOP lawmaker takes out textbook, tells Mueller he doesn’t have ‘power to exonerate’
Rep. Michael Turner, R-Ohio, blasted Mueller for saying that his report did not exonerate President Donald Trump, bringing out a legal textbook.
He had 600 pounds of meth worth $140 million in his van. Then, he crashed into a police car
Police in New South Wales, Australia, say the accident occurredat the Eastwood Police Station outside of Sydney Monday morning
7 striking photos show how massive the Puerto Rico protests really are
Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló has been deep in controversy over leaked text messages containing misogynistic and homophobic language.
Rare new shark species squirts glow-in-the-dark liquid from its pockets
Scientists from various universities and research groupsidentified the 5½-inch shark asthe American Pocket Shark, or Mollisquama mississippiensis.