Like keeping an eye on the birds in your backyard feeders? In France, there’s an app for that and it’s not just a way to pass the time: the data collected by amateur birdwatchers is logged and used by researchers in a project sponsored by …
An elderly doggie couple got married at a shelter
These dogs are a “bonded pair” and the Kennebec Valley Humane Society decided they should get married. Keri Lumm shares the heartwarming story.
Clergy abuse survivors demand action from Vatican
As Pope Francis holds a summit on clergy sex abuse at the Vatican, survivors are demanding accountability and transparency from church leaders and assert that the time of sex abuse cover-ups is over. (Feb. 21)
Giant rainforest lizard found wandering London park
Park-goers found more than they expected, coming across a giant lizard whilst on a walk through a London park. Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.
Why do zebras have stripes? Scientists dress up horses to find out
New research shows why you might want to dress like a zebra if you’re around biting flies. Buzz60’s Sean Dowling has more.
Sharks in Israel’s warm winter waters attract divers
Every winter, as sea temperatures drop, sharks seeking warmer waters head to a northern Israeli shore, drawing enthusiasts who take the plunge in hopes of catching a glimpse of the enigmatic predators. Video provided by AFP
Fire in old part of Bangladesh’s capital kills at least 70
A devastating fire raced through densely packed buildings in an old part of Bangladesh’s capital and killed at least 70 people, officials and witnesses said Thursday.
Fire in Bangladesh’s capital kills at least 70
A devastating fire has raced through at least five buildings in an old part of Bangladesh’s capital and killed at least 70 people. (Feb. 21)
Aftermath of devastating fire in Dhaka, Bangladesh
A devastating fire raced through densely packed buildings in Bangladesh’s capital, killing at least 70 people. (Feb. 21)
Not seen for 100 years, a rare Galápagos tortoise was considered all but extinct – until now
An adult femaleFernandina Giant Tortoise was found on the Galápagos Island of Fernandina after more than 100 years without a confirmed sighting.