Egyptian archaeologists have uncovered ancient burial chambers that can shed light on the lives of middle class ancients dating back more than 2,000 years.
Pope Francis calls for end to humanitarian crisis in Yemen
Pope Francis made an urgent appeal for an end to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen on Sunday as he embarked on the first-ever papal trip to the Arabian Peninsula, where he is seeking to turn a page in Christian-Muslim relations while also ministering
Thousands march supporting opposition in Venezuela
Momentum is growing for Venezuela’s opposition movement led by lawmaker Juan Guaido.
Vladimir Putin: Russia will only deploy new missiles if United States does
President Vladimir Putin says that Russia will abandon a centerpiece nuclear arms treaty, following in the footsteps of the United States.
American producer hoping to save his ancestral home
The actor, screenwriter and producer swapped his Los Angeles lifestyle for the English countryside in an effort to save his family’s 50,000-foot estate.
Moment of Brazil dam collapse caught on camera
A video released Friday shows the exact moment a deadly dam burst in Brazil on January 25. The dam failure unleashed a surge of mud that buried buildings adjoining the dam and several parts of the nearby city of Brumadinho. (Feb. 1)
Trump administration withdraws from nuclear weapons treaty, accuses Russia of violations
Critics said abandoning the 32-year-old treaty will spark a new arms race, undermine American credibility,and put Europe at risk of Russian aggression.
This incredible drone footage should help put your shark fears to rest
If you’re one of those people that’s worried about getting attacked by a shark while at the beach, this may ease your worries.
Deadly banana virus could wipe out America’s favorite fruit
The Banana Streak Virus could spell the end for the yellow fruit. Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.
As U.S. marks Black History Month, Botswana offers a valuable lesson about racial harmony
This southern African nation has a history of racial harmony, along with a thriving democracy and economy. Here’s why.