Russia blamed Ukraine for provoking the incident, which sharply escalated tensions that have been growing between the two countries since Moscow annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, and it has worked steadily to bolster its zone of control around the p…
Suspect arrested for money laundering after Dutch police find $400k in washing machine
A 24-year-old was arrested after police in Amsterdam found bundles of cash stuffed inside a washing machine.
European Union OKs Brexit deal; now it’s up to Britain
European Union leaders signed off on Britain’s exit from the continent’s political and economic bloc, sending the agreement to the U.K. Parliament.
European Union approves Brexit deal with United Kingdom
Months of negotiations were finalized Sunday as the EU approved approves divorce deal, setting out withdrawal terms.
Finland, Denmark and Germany stop arm sales to Saudi Arabia after Khashoggi’s death
Finland and Denmark joined Germany in halting arms sales to Saudi Arabia after the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
November 25, was designated by the United Nations as International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
Anger over rising fuel taxes sparks fiery French protests
Thousands of French police have deployed to contain the eighth day of deadly demonstrations that started as protests against tax but morphed into a rebuke of President Emmanuel Macron.
Trump says asylum seekers will wait in Mexico, won’t be allowed in U.S. until courts approve
President Donald Trump announced over Twitter Saturday evening that asylum seekers at the Southern borderwill wait in Mexico while their claims are processedin U.S. courts.
Fuel price protests in France turn violent
French police fired tear gas and water cannons to disperse demonstrators in Paris Saturday.
French police clashed with protesters in Paris
French police clashed with hundreds of protesters in Paris on Saturday as marches continued against rising fuel taxes and Emmanuel Macron’s presidency. (Nov. 24)